This howto has been tested on Ubuntu 13.10 in a clean, up to date environment. Older Ubuntu distros required some hacks if I remembered rightly. Other debian based distros should be able to follow this adjusting for dependencies. Please update this if you get it working on another distro.
Satisfying dependencies
Make the first stab at getting qemu dependencies
apt-get build-dep qemu
This next command grabs all the dependencies specified in the debian control file as asked for from upstream debian sid You can look into the options specified there and adjust to taste.
# get almost all the rest and the tools to work up the debian magic
apt-get install devscripts quilt libiscsi-dev libusbredirparser-dev libssh2-1-dev libvdeplug-dev libjpeg-dev glusterfs*
we need a newer version of libseccomp for Ubuntu 13.10
mkdir libseccomp
cd libseccomp
# grab it from upstream sid
# get it ready
tar xf libseccomp_2.1.0+dfsg.orig.tar.gz
cd libseccomp-2.1.0+dfsg/
# install the debian magic
tar xf ../libseccomp_2.1.0+dfsg-1.debian.tar.gz
# apply series files if any
while quilt push; do quilt refresh; done
# build debs, they'll appear one directory up
debuild -i -us -uc -b
cd ..
# install it
dpkg -i *.deb
Building QEMU
This next part is straightforward if your dependencies are met. For the advanced reader look around debian/control once it is extracted before you install as you may want to change what options QEMU is built with and what targets are requested.
cd ..
mkdir qemu
cd qemu
# download our sources. you'll want to check back frequently on these for changes
tar xf glusterfs-3.4.2.tar.gz
tar xf qemu_1.7.0+dfsg.orig.tar.xz
cd qemu-1.7.0+dfsg/
# unpack the debian magic
tar xf ../qemu_1.7.0+dfsg-2.debian.tar.gz
# bring glusterfs in to the buiild
cp -r ../glusterfs-3.4.2 glusterfs
# the glusterfs check in configure looks around weird. I've never asked why but moving the src stuff up one works and tests fine
cd glusterfs/api/
mv src/* .
cd ../..
#you'll need to edit debian/control to enable glusterfs replacing
- ##--enable-glusterfs todo
+ # --enable-glusterfs
+ glusterfs-common (>= 3.4.0),
#And finally build. It'll take ages.
# apply series if any
while quilt push; do quilt refresh; done
# build packages
debuild -i -us -uc -b
cd ..
Your debs now available to install. It is up to the reader to determine what targets they want installed.